AirBnB Prague listing growth July 2014

This post is an update as by 19th July 2014 on the number of listings here in Prague  that I published a bit more than a month ago. Unfortunately the numbers are not directly comparable as we got an about 30% longer time span – I was too busy the last week.

listings 2014-05-10 listings 2014-06-09 growth in 29 days listings 2014-07-19 growth in 39 days
Prague 1 740 939 27% 1017 8%
Prague 2 285 346 21 % 378 9%
Prague 3 198 265 34 % 278 5%
Prague 4 65 80 23 % 88 10%
Prague 5 135 199 47 % 218 10%
Prague 6 79 115 46 % 128 11%
Prague 7 78 114 46 % 134 18%
Prague 8 83 105 27 % 100 -5%
Prague 9 15 18 20 % 20 11%
Prague 10 81 120 48 % 129 8%
Prague 11 6 9 50 % 9 0%
Prague 12 8 7 -13 % 8 14%
Prague 13 13 23 77 % 24 4%
Prague 14 7 14 100 % 15 7%
Prague 15 5 7 40 % 5 -29%
Prague total 1798 2361 31 % 2551 8%


Here are the numbers for Prague 1 listings which might be a special point of attraction for future hosts.


district listings 2014-07-19
Josefov 224
Mala Strana 129
Stare Mesto 664


During the AirBnB meetups last month and some other chats I’ve heard a number of reasons for the crazy growth in June. One I heard repeatedly was that people list their homes during the summer holiday season to monetize whilst they’re travelling – sounds unlikely to me but that would mean latest in August a non-growth or even less listings. However I’ve met a lot of people who just started hosting that month hence that is more likely to explain it.

Very interesting was also the opinion of some hosts who are longer with AirBnB that both June and July seem off-season because they experienced less bookings. Fortunately the city of Prague provides statistics so see for yourself:Overnight stays in Prague 2013


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